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Member since: Jul, 2018

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LETTER: 'Doug Ford will win by a landslide'

LETTER: 'Doug Ford will win by a landslide'

Letters to the Editor |

meglee commented

One of the first things Ford did when first elected was cut health care funding! We had a good standard of health care until that time. We could even CHOOSE our doctor Now look at it. Yet Ontarians voted PC again! STOP AND THINK before Thursday. Remember ALL THE MANY THINGS HE HAS DONE WRONG! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result!

39 11 1

Highway 17 closed between Heyden and Wawa

Highway 17 closed between Heyden and Wawa

Local News |

meglee commented

This winter has seen 17N closed a :LOT! This is the TransCanada highway! It means western Canada is not reachable! So sad!

8 7 4

SMITH, Terry

SMITH, Terry

Obituaries |

meglee commented

Alan and Alison and all your family
sincere condolences on the loss of your brother/ brother in law. Thoughts and prayers are with you in your mourning.
Carol Netherton

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KNUDSEN, Joanne Marie

KNUDSEN, Joanne Marie

Obituaries |

meglee commented

my condolences. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Carol at 27

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LEROUX, Timothy Joseph

LEROUX, Timothy Joseph

Obituaries |

meglee commented

Janet, condolences to you and your family at this sad time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Carol Netherton

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GRECO, Patrick Frank (Patsy)

GRECO, Patrick Frank (Patsy)

Obituaries |

meglee commented

Marisa, my most sincere condolences in the loss of Pat to you and all your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you and keep you Marisa.
Carol Netherton

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LETTER: Weather forecasts should focus on city, not the airport

LETTER: Weather forecasts should focus on city, not the airport

Letters to the Editor |

meglee commented

Yea, the weather at the airport is important for safe travel but most of us live in town and that is Sault ste. Marie! Maybe the answer is a weather substation to serve the townies. Right ? Right!

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Mystery couple returns forgotten purse to ‘eternally grateful’ Walmart shopper

Mystery couple returns forgotten purse to ‘eternally grateful’ Walmart shopper

Local News |

meglee commented

Wow! So happy for her. When and if she contacts them perhaps a reward would be appropriate?

3 6 0

City wants your input on parks and rec master plan

City wants your input on parks and rec master plan

Local News |

meglee commented

Why does the city need our input on parks, or anything at all. They didn't listen to what tax payers thought about fixing the roads instead of putting the money into renovating Queen St. They will do what they want anyway, won't they?

14 3 1

Court extends creditor protection for insolvent out-of-town landlords

Court extends creditor protection for insolvent out-of-town landlords

Local News |

meglee commented

Whoever is hiding behind the corporations who own the properties should be forced to liquidate their holdings and pay their bills like everyone else! Bailing them out is just giving them carte blanche to do this again and victimize other communities.

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