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Member since: Jul, 2015

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Algoma Steel employee hurt while preparing scrap

Algoma Steel employee hurt while preparing scrap

Local News |

midges007 commented

The worst thing is that some people don’t know the WSIB’s view on older workers. People that are over 65 are treated pretty poorly. Yes, the medical stuff will be covered but when it comes to LOE payments they are often cut short no matter the length of time the injury or illness lasts. Now a days people are working much longer than 65 in most cases and the WSIB need to get on this and review their policies to include workers 65 years and older and pay them just the same no matter how long it takes to heal especially for critical injuries like these. Sending prayers to you my friend <3

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Watch out for large European hornets migrating north

Watch out for large European hornets migrating north

Local News |

midges007 commented

One thing that I’ve noticed is that I haven’t seen any bees yet this summer. None at all in the west end at our place.

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Look what they’re buying for Parkland and Westwood parks

Look what they’re buying for Parkland and Westwood parks

Local News |

midges007 replied

Chantelylace…. They do it every day! Almost every recess and lunch break??

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midges007 commented

Great! Now the school children from Holy Family will have a better place to go during their recess since their school board doesn’t supply them with anything to do. I wonder tho, who insures the children that play at that park during school hours? Do they have a waiver to sign daily when they go there, considering that it is off of school property?

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Councillors express concern about defacing of public art

Councillors express concern about defacing of public art

Local News |

midges007 commented

Gee… if you’re gonna tag something at least try and get the spelling right, it’s Resistance with an a not an e.

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