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GRAHAM, Samuel Lucas 'Sammy'



One year ago today our lives and hearts were shattered beyond repair when you were taken from us. We lost a loving son, brother, uncle, grandson, nephew and special love to Semiah.

Sammy one year ago today is the day you went away
we will never understand why you couldn't stay
You had so many hopes and dreams, you even had a list
but leaving us was not one of them, that was not your wish
when I say our hearts are broken, our hearts were ripped in two, never could we imagine being forced to live without you
We try to go on without you and it's impossible to do
To no longer see your beautiful face breaks us everyday
we miss the sound of your voice and your laughter too
we will never be complete again, we will always be missing you
19 years was not enough, it was not even close
when helping people is what you wanted, its what you loved the most
As we see Layla, Addy and Liam growing up without you
I can't help but think of the special moments, and everything you will miss
It's so hard to live in a world that you no longer exist
Everyone is missing you, your mom and dad and William too, our whole family is sad and broken without you.

Sammy we miss you so much, our home feels empty without you. We have so many memories, but the hardest part is that we never have any new ones with you.

Forever loved and dearly missed
Mom, Dad, William, Rachael
Layla, Addy and Liam