Somebody needs to fix NOSM and bring it back to what it was intended to be - to retain and keep doctors in Northern Ontario. That is no longer the case, people are coming up here for education only and moving back down to southern ontario.
15 3 2
The residential streets don't need to be scraped down often. So for the 2 or 3 times a season this is done, there should be a payloader behind the grader to scoop up the ice at the end of each drive way and drop it on people's front lawns. It doesnt take much effort. The city used to do this, im not sure why this has changed, especially considering our taxes have gone up every year... if the city are short staff, im sure they can subcontract this work to a local contractor, it might even be cheaper this way anyways.
50 5 0
We have to be aware of these types of ideas that are being slipped into our daily lives, all in the name of "safety"... I can tell you it has nothing to do with safety at all! The truth is, people will continue to speed and either learn to momentarily slow down in the areas where these are installed, or take an alternate route to bypass. The real way deter people from speeding is to re-design roads slowly as the years go on to be in accordance to the desired speed limit. Example, if we want to stop people from speeding down Boundary road, then we need to re-design it so that doesn't appear like a wide open drag strip... vetical/horizontal deflection, speed humps, chicanes, choke points, roundabouts, to name a few, are all road calming measures that will be way more effective than speed cameras. Do we really want more surveillance in this City?
1 1 0
This is great! I've visited the establishment a few times; the service is great and the subs are fantastic. Nice to see profits go towards a worthy cause!
7 0 0
I cannot believe City council decided to buy this building for that ridiculous price. Unbelievable, practically rewarding Italo... 4.5 million is just the beginning, there will be another 3-5 million worth of expenses to haul and dispose all of the hazardous waste from demolition. I wonder what the city could have done with 4.5 million to solve the drug and homelessness crisis in town...
28 2 1
There are plenty of older people who are in great shape, and plenty of others who aren't. This problem is not stemmed from normal aging conditions, it's the many years prior of poor or uneducated choices that lead to the particular illnesses that are arising in their later years. Also, there is a rise in younger people visiting hospitals that has not been seen before, caused by the same poor and uneducated decisions their elders made.
0 1
It's a tricky situation that will take multiple levels of government to fix. I don't think the long term solution is 'more beds'. I think we need to look at why there's such a large rise in injury and illness, and work towards fixing that!
12 11 2
There's no need to buy and demolish this building. There's enough space as is to reconfigure the lanes at this light. Go down to one lane for traffic moving east through the intersection, it can open up to 2 lanes further after the intersection, which would allow for a right turn lane, a through lanes, and a left turning lane for traffic moving west. West traffic can reduce to one lane further down after the intersection. Keep Goulais ave as is, but increase the time for the left turning signals between 2-6pm
7 1 0
Route 3C makes the most sense considering the majority of the route would be along an existing corridor.
5 0 0
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I have relatives currently in NOSM and this is precisely what is happening. They no longer favour Northern Ontario students. The majority come from southern ontario and they removed the incentives to remain in northern ontario.
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