Ya wrong venting outlet!!
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And the snow melt hasn’t even begun to ramp up yet! I really do hope for the best for that area…. It must be extremely worrisome to have to watch and wait!!!
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Ok, so they finally did get it right for the last significant event of the winter!! My bad!! Lol
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Ok so plan a great day out with the family tomorrow because there’s no way this forecast can be the only accurate one of the year!!! hahaha
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“with mainly cloudy skies and possible flurries today, Geoff Coulson said.” This was posted an hour ago!! I just looked outside a window for the current conditions and see sun and blue skies!!!
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#6 is pretty much ready to fire up!!
1 3 2
Watch the video… that aspect is addressed!
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Watch the video… all of your questions are addressed!!
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Very well done podcast guys!!
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No listings have been posted by `dandi
Didn’t happen!
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