HoundsFanatic I guess you have not been to many other countries or even hear about what it is like in other countries. Did you know mostly all European countries have everything we have but better? Their healthcare which, in many other countries, Denmark, in that they have trauma doctors ride in ambulances to assist at the scene to increase the chance of survival, free education including University, and much more. What makes Canada so good? That we open our door for anyone who wants to live here which you would think help making living easier in our country but does not and I could go on. I would suggest looking into other countries do some research and you will see Canada is not what ppl make it out to be. Immigrants well of course look where they come from.
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Liberals or NDP will never ever get my vote again in my lifetime. I have voted for them before, but never ever again. If you look at Pierre and Justin, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
25 14
PC Majority win! Coming soon just not soon enough
54 25 2
I wonder how their Greyhound party’s are going before the game at the plaza? Ever since they built the place it has been the go to place in SSM 🙄
2 1 0
I sure hope we have a green Xmas and rest of winter since the city is already through its budget for snow removal.
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Solution? Take more money from taxpayers that doesn’t solve anything with the sea lamprey.
1 10
It is the price you pay for misconducts. Blame mayor and council not the government.
6 2 1
All resources, which is not much due to the fact that they cut the budget for snow removal because the last two years we didn’t have much snow
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Shelly, Ian & Family
Sending heart felt condolences. Rest in Paradise Chris!
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He knows he has no issue in getting a security clearance so that is not an issue when we have many other issues to worry about in our country. It would be a waste of time to put his security clearance up in the forefront when their are so many other important issues.
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