"spending money frivolously"?!
Plaza, city hall steps, queen st,
1 2 0
Good for the city. That's drop in the bucket to compared to most things they do.
And with this they will keep 500+ daycare spots.
Could you imagine if 500 people couldn't work because they had no daycare?
$1 million vs 500 jobs.
1 4 2
um, so 12 years ago, in 2008, they decided against one in Bellvue park? MAYBE it might be good to revisit it again, in 2020...
1 3 0
It would be great if they would mandate that all utility companies change their peak use rates during this time...
16 1 0
lol. And 2+ hours of marking/lesson planning/ clubs/coaching/etc a day....
10 4
um, do some research on your own site... $895 for a 3 bedroom!?! lol
3 0 0
Way to stir up controversy. 🙄. “Matthew Good plays the Sault!”
5 3 1
"was reported stolen after the incident"....LOL
15 1 5
It's just some troll... pay them no mind
27 21
No listings have been posted by Paul M
I'm a Matthew James groupie. Absolutely love his voice and energy. See you on the 6th! (if not earlier)
4 0 0