Ashley I'm so sorry for your loss. May your good memories be a blessing. Denise Leger Williton
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This is great news but you can't find a dentist that will take you!!
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So sorry for your loss. May your memories be a blessing.
Denise and Mark Williton
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Christy and Carrie I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your memories give you peace and comfort. Love Denise
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Mrs Keating was the most wonderful teacher I ever had. She was the one who got me interested in reading. She was so kind and generous with her time. I am so sorry for your loss. May the angels give you wings so you can fly amongst the stars.
Denise Williton
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No listings have been posted by Denise Leger
Our family are so sorry for your loss! My husband Chris and him worked together for many years! May your memories be a blessing!
Denise and Mark Williton and family
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