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Number One Son

Number One Son

Member since: Jul, 2012

Recent Comments

City council to consider review of Downtown Association

City council to consider review of Downtown Association

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son commented

With the advent of franchised commercial retail stores in the 80s, the concept of a city;s "downtown" disappeared. Queen Street is no longer the hub of retail and commercial business for this city; that distinction belongs to Great Northern Road or even Trunk Road. No one goes to Queen Street to buy food, clothing, or dry goods. No one goes there to eat or get their vehicle repaired. Time to end this charade.

24 3 0

School board wants to build dome over Superior Heights sports field

School board wants to build dome over Superior Heights sports field

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son replied

A Minneapolis Superdome x 5 in the making.

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VIDEO: We can't make up this reaction to new cosmetics store

VIDEO: We can't make up this reaction to new cosmetics store

Local News Videos |

Number One Son
Number One Son replied

Pizza feeds people, hardware stores builds housing, ... what does make-up do for our city?

6 9

Sheehan sticking by Trudeau as some Liberal MPs call for new leader

Sheehan sticking by Trudeau as some Liberal MPs call for new leader

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son replied

You are misleading and confused with Sheehan's personality, he is only guilty of being "loyal". While I don't plan on voting Liberal in the next election, I have known Terry Sheehan and his family for some time beyond his political career. he has been unwavering in his loyalty and commitment to any venture he enters, and has always carried the torch for the Sault. I don't see him getting re-elected, but I wish him well in his future endeavours. He deserves that much.

3 18

UPDATED: Local steelworker who wouldn't shake PM's hand says it wasn't 'for attention'

UPDATED: Local steelworker who wouldn't shake PM's hand says it wasn't 'for attention'

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son replied

He might well know that neighbour well enough to make that comment. You, on the other hand, probably know neither Mr. Mero or the neighbour, yet you feel qualified to discount his opinion. I know many people with disabilities that work, so having a disability doesn't automatically give you a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" to not have employment.

99 21

BREAKING: City looks at spending $4.75M to buy old hospital site

BREAKING: City looks at spending $4.75M to buy old hospital site

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son commented

Why doesn't the city just appropriate the property, just as they did when they built Carmen's Way and bought up houses along Hudson Street? All they need is am imaginary project to justify it before the courts. They only then have to offer "fair market value", as they did for houses on Hudson, St. Georges, and Cathcart. I would think that was a no-brainer.

35 1 0

Poll: Conservatives eager for an early federal election

Poll: Conservatives eager for an early federal election

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son replied

Unlikely. Quebec was traditionally a stronghold for the Liberals prior to the Bloc being a party. The Bloc voters will still vote Bloc.

23 8

'A surprise’: Sault composer wins hit show’s only Emmy

'A surprise’: Sault composer wins hit show’s only Emmy

Local Entertainment |

Number One Son
Number One Son commented

When I spoke with Jeff prior to the awards, he was very exited, but at the same time very practical and grounded about the whole idea of being nominated and winning. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy and a couple of very proud parents, ... congratulations Jeff. Hoping to maybe see that award next time you are in town. :)

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Obituaries |

Number One Son
Number One Son commented

Our deepest condolences to Bob, Carol, and Frank. I can remember how proud Bob was when I worked with him that he had become a new father. I was always amazed at Kara's talents on stage, and always looked forward to seeing her perform. In our memories for ever.

Bill and Donna Nash

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City wants your opinion on all the Sault’s boarded-up houses

City wants your opinion on all the Sault’s boarded-up houses

Local News |

Number One Son
Number One Son commented

Appropriate the property and tear them down. Apply the unpaid taxes to the "fair market value" they would get for the appropriation.

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