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Member since: Mar, 2009

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PRESGRAVE, James 'Jim'

PRESGRAVE, James 'Jim'

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centrefield commented

Joanne, my sincere condolences for the loss of your husband Jim. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I hope the many fond memories of a happy life spent together lessens your burden.

Paul Christian and family

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Obituaries |

centrefield commented

My sincere condolences to the Headrick family. Mac was such a great person to be around. He could always brighten your day. Man, could he tell stories about "days of old"! He will be missed.

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centrefield commented

My sincere condolences to the Headrick family. Mac was such a great person to be around. He could always brighten your day. Man, could he tell stories about "days of old"! He will be missed.

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MATTHEWS, Thomas Russell

MATTHEWS, Thomas Russell

Obituaries |

centrefield replied

My apology, it should read 45 years.

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centrefield commented

Wayne, Russ, and families, Julie and I are very saddened to hear of Tom's passing. I knew Tom for over 55 years, having first met him while Wayne and I played football together at Sir James Dunn. I had the good fortune to reconnect with Tom years later when we worked at the regional sales office at OLG. Tom was a mentor and friend who taught me a great deal about management and people. He was a no-nonsense guy who expected plenty from you but ALWAYS had your back. For that, I will be forever indebted to him. We were separated by a generation, but he always treated me as an equal, as a friend. Although we have lost him, I am grateful to have known and worked with him for all of these years. I hope your families will find peace in knowing that he positively impacted so many others like he did Julie and I.

Paul and Julie Christian

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