Most of the downtown thieves carry there own bolt cutters, another waste of tax payer dollars! what next a garage to lock a car in, c'mon city hall give your heads a shake
10 0 0
Ivana, Donny and family, we are so saddened to hear of the loss of Randy. You were right when you said "he was always there to help when needed". We will cherish his friendship forever Alway's in our hearts.
Stewart and Marissa Hamilton
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Let's all send it to City Hall to pay for the YMCA
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I counted six drivers on there cell phones texting in a 2.6Km drive to work today. Also take calculators away in school also, so these kids can learn to count,. Very frustrating when you hand them $5.35 for a purchase of $2.35 so you van get $3.00 Back and they cannot figure out what you gave them and they are lost at the cash register.
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Give it to the YMCA
15 18 1
It's time for 4 lanes, actually long overdue
9 0 4
Testing was redone. No Covid . (NEVER WAS) How come only nursing home in the Soo to supposedly have Covid . Something Fishy, Could Privately Owned have something to do with it, possibly a scam to get Government Funding, Makes you wonder.
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I need to make a Weirs Run, let's get the bridge open
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Watch out that you dont slip on all the needles
Laying on the ground.
22 17 4
Our Mayor was sleeping on the job, now it's an easy fix. Load up all the homeless and junkies and distribute them in the 8 or 9 cities that received the funding. Did no one notice when Toronto started closing homeless shelters that large vans were dropping homeless people at various Tim Hortons locations in the Soo, oh and by the way the van was blue
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