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Individual associated with Isabel Fletcher Public School tests positive for COVID

APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify close contacts
This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses.

An individual associated with Isabel Fletcher Public School has tested positive for COVID-19, Algoma Public Health (APH) advised Sunday evening. Full text of the release is seen below:  

Algoma Public Health (APH) is advising that an individual associated with Isabel  Fletcher Public School has tested positive for COVID-19.  

At this time, APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify close contacts.  Examples of close contacts include household members, people who have been in  direct physical contact or belong to the same classroom/cohort, and people who have  spent more than 15 minutes together within 2 metres or 6 feet of each other, such as  while sharing a meal. Brief interactions, like walking past someone in a hallway are not  generally considered close contact situations. APH will notify all low risk and high risk  contacts via letter to provide further guidance and direction. 

APH reassures families from Isabel Fletcher Public School that if they do not receive a  low risk and/or high risk contact letter, their child is not considered a close contact of the  person who tested positive for COVID-19, in which case APH does not recommend  having their child tested unless they are showing symptoms of COVID-19. We are  working with the school community to review and confirm important practices to reduce  the potential spread of COVID-19, including: 

  • Be fully vaccinated by receiving 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible • Always practice physical distancing 
  • Wear a mask or face covering in all indoor public settings 
  • Wear a mask or face covering outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

Anyone 12+ who needs a COVID-19 vaccine can book an appointment or show up at a  walk-in, pop-up, or mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinic. 

For more information about COVID-19 please visit the APH website by following this  link. For further information about ADSB’s Covid-19 protocols please visit

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