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APH reports new COVID-19 cases at two schools in the Sault

High risk contacts have been contacted at Isabel Fletcher, and investigations are ongoing at Korah Intermediate to determine who had close contact
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Algoma Public Health. Darren Taylor/SooToday

Algoma Public Health is reporting cases of COVID-19 at both Korah Intermediate School and an outbreak at Isabel Fletcher Public School.

An outbreak is declared if there have been two or more cases at the school within 14 days, and at least one could have reasonably been acquired at the school.

The high risk contacts have been contacted at Isabel Fletcher Public School, and investigations are ongoing at Korah Intermediate to determine who has had close contact with that individual.

APH reassures parents that, if they do not receive contact notifications, they do not need to get their child tested unless they develop symptoms.

Students and staff advised to seek testing, or if they develop COVID-19 symptoms, will need to notify the assessment centre that they are associated with the COVID-19 outbreak at Isabel Fletcher Public School or Korah Intermediate School.

The school board and APH would like to remind everyone that these steps are important to curb the spread of COVID-19:

  • Be fully vaccinated by receiving 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible
  • Always practice physical distancing
  • Wear a mask or face covering in all indoor public settings
  • Wear a mask or face covering outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Outbreak protocols will be in place at Isabel Fletcher Public School. These protocols include:

  • COVID-19 vaccination policies are in place
  • Screening practices in place for children and staff
  • Staying home when sick and excluding symptomatic individuals
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces
  • Using personal protective equipment when appropriate (e.g., masking, eye protection)
  • Ensuring access to hand hygiene supplies
  • Posting signage of appropriate public health measures(e.g., hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing etiquette)
  • Maintaining and encouraging physical distancing

please visit the APH website at or the ADSB website at  for further information.

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