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Walter Jr. 'Skippy'



Walter Chisholm Jr Skippy October 6th 2005 ...My darling Skippy I can't believe it's now 16 years that you were called to heaven to be with our Lord, you know honey I talk to you all the time, when I need to talk or need some advice I just know what you would say, most times I try to do the things that you would be OK with and other times I add my own you know how us women are sometimes we have to have the last say haha.

On June 17th this year we would have been married 54 years I loved being married to you My darling Skippy because our true love was a gift from God, sure we had our ups and downs but with the strong love you can iron them out together and Skippy you know what you would always say making up is the best part hahaha. You know fellow friends when you lose your spouse whether you are young or old it gets so lonely because you are used to them being with you all the time and talking and laughing and making decisions together and much more so when you are left alone it becomes harder to adjust your own new life that you are now living, I made it through so far with the grace of God And my children and family and friends and thanks to you fellow friends for listening to my story every year. I know I could go on and on but that's me haha. Now Skippy the children Wayne, Tammy, Shane and Channa are all doing fine, busy in their lives but when I need help for anything they're always there for me and the grandchildren are doing great love them 2 pieces they all remember the papa stars in their prayers and I'm sure honey you hear and see them they love thier papa. It's so important to have family times we all try our best but sometimes it's hard to do , especially with all that's going on with our world today but in order to stay safe We all have to do the best we can. Well honey I had a great busy summer At my brother's campground Marks Bay got to see all my friends there and some new ones, I met everyone here is super friendly and they all take great care of me if I need help or anything else ,They too have become my family love them all dearly. Also Mark and Mary I want to thank you again for my beautiful spacious trailer I feel like I'm in a 2 bedroom house compared to my other smaller trailer. Mark and Mary you made my dream come true to have such a large trailer someday So mark when I asked you if I could put lights on it you said yes of course so I did so I lit it up like a river boat I just love I just love it and so does everyone else so if I put music to the lights I think I'll be pushing it right Mark haha thanks again Mark and Mary love you lots . Well honey I've kept myself really busy Although all our summers are busy having fun each year and sometimes we do things we never did before or would like to try right. Fellow friends I had lots of fun playing washer toss games in our tournaments and playing dice games and crafting and pickling beets so I really had a ball doing all the things I wanted to do, but my exciting venture was going on 2 different boat rides on my brother Lawrence's and my brother Marks boat with all my sister Sandy and Cindy and Debbie we had a fantastic wonderful time and lots of fun and laughter, so nice to see all of our family together sometimes hard to get but everyone loved every minute.

Then we had a pajama party at Cindy's and it was great so fellow friends It doesn't matter how old you are to do things you've done years ago you're only as old as you feel right everyone haha. Guess what honey I bought myself a 3 wheeler scooter and now I'm I get around the campground like crazy but I have to watch the speed cause you know me Skippy haha So now I don't have to use the golf cart that Fred and Megan was so kind to lend me for 2 years thank you so much Fred and Megan for your generosity and your thoughtfulness, and to all my camp friends that gave me a ride all summer when I didn't have one love you guys Well honey won't believe this I got in touch with my dear friend Jean and we had such a fun time she invited me to her place on the lake we haven't stopped talking and reminiscing the whole time and I was there 3 days, we swam then played beanbag toss and she taught me how to kayak for the 1st time I had a fantastic time so thank you Jean from the bottom of my heart for the most wonderful visit. Well honey it's soon time to pack up until next year, hopefully it will be better next year for all of us God-bless everyone in the world thank you fellow friends for taking the time to read my memoriam and story to you each year please stay safe well my darling Skippy I'll sign off for now till next year I love you forever with all my heart love your honey Bunny Carolyn xoxo PS I still put the flowers on my car in memory of you And I love you honey XOXOXO