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March 9 2016 ,it was a cold wet rainy night when the Lord took you home. You made a vow that I wouldn't go to strangers and through thick and thin you honored that vow. As a child you walked beside me holding my hand ,guiding me away from danger At the same time teaching me about flowers ,birds ad the beauty of nature.. Through my rebellious times you walked behind me , as I stubbornly chose the wrong path . I always knew you were there to help me ,pick myself up when I fell. At times you watched knowing I would learn more by picking myself up. You gladly walked the floor with your grandbabies when they were sick or just to snuggle with them. .As adults we walked beside each other ,At times when your legs were weak I held onto you, and when mental illness weaken me ,you held on to me. We will walk together again in the beauty and splendor of heaven.. Until then I remember and cherish our walks., XXOO Loving and missing you Patty-Ann Bellerive