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Irene Teske


Hello Mom Here I am again. I can't believe it's been 6 years since you passed. How time flies and where has it gone to. So much has changed since you left us. There's a covid virus world wide and war that has broken out in U kraine with Russia. So many people have died, young, old and babies. I miss you so much and there isn't a day something you said or did doesn't cross my mind. I know Tyler is lost without you and Tori misses you as much as I do . I miss watching our soap together, having a second cup of tea outside after supper sitting on the swing, and sitting at the waterfront watching the people and boats go by.
You would love your great grandkids. Chase has grown into a sensitive young man, Everett is like the energizer bunny but oh so handsome. Tori's kids each have their own little personalities, Charlotte is a social butterfly and beautiful like her mom, Berkley is laid back and so well mannered and little Wendy is a sweet busy bee.I miss and love you to the moon and back and can't wait to be with you both again.