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In loving loss and memory one year Nov .10

We wish we could see you one more time. Come "WALKING" (that's right); thru the door,
But we know it's impossible, As we hear you say no more.

You are my world my BROTHER
I know you can feel my tears,
And you don't want me to cry,
How the hell can my heart not be broken
As my "Super Hero" had to die?

We pray that God will give us strength
and somehow get us through
As we struggle with the heartache,
that came when we lost you
(tell mom, you bet it sux) As well,

It's all shitz and whistles, much luv "3B" ...

From the bottom of our hearts, many thanks to ALL who held us up,
We R still standing, head held high

Vichnaya pamyat, pure of heart
Lau & Carm Sr. XO