Sad news. Hopefully they can be recovered. Repost on socials to get the word out.
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Joe Fratesi is accusing this council about a lack of transparency? Really?
14 6 1
Meaning perhaps while construction is happening a temporary light should be installed at the Rotary Drive and Queen entrance
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This will create a major traffic problem and create a dangerous crosswalk at Churchill and Queen where there is currently a flashing overhead pedestrian light, which if I remember correctly resulted in a fatality on Northern Ave at the PeeWee
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IMHO the last part, Ford gov’t has chosen not to charge big business chains a one-time (Loblaws, Circle K, etc.) is a huge loss of dollars, but also raises questions about what kind of back room deals with Ford have been agreed to
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Can I please pick both?
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I wonder how much the unnecessary appeal cost taxpayers
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And as to the implication that doctors trained out of country are subpar, 12 years ago the University of Saskatchewan medical school was in jeopardy of losing its accreditation. I have no idea where my doctor went to school. Medical schools also need to stop playing the waiting game with prospective students and start admitting them after their graduate degrees or even undergrad, another wrench thrown into qualifying enough doctors
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Having to redo his residency is redundant if he has already been a practicing physician for years. Yes, write the boards again, put him with a mentor for the first year, but redo residency? Really?
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No listings have been posted by belstrom
What an awesome event at an amazing place!
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