Our loyalty to the crown includes our native brothers who fought for the crown in several wars.
Chief F.M. Jacobs of the Chippewas of Sarina Reserve, now the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, stated "The Indian Race as a rule is loyal to England. This loyalty was created by the noblest Queen that ever lived, under whose name treaties were signed.
Get your hands on the two Legion magazine editions for November/December 2019 and January/February 2020 and you will see that for yourself.
Our Native brothers and sisters need to start being part of Canada, NOT tearing apart Canada.
I'm tired of the me, me, me, It is us, us, us!!!!
4 0 0
Would not take police two minutes to arrest me if I pulled a stunt like that.
Deduct all the financial losses of businesses and private income losses, from their Federal monies.
No one works because of this foolishness so no taxes means they don't get a nickel.
26 0 0
So very sorry to hear of your loss.
John Hooper
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