@kevinsoo, Statscan chart 1 shows you're peddling disinformation and being condescending about it at that, here you go https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2024004/article/00001-eng.htm
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@kevinsoo GDP per capita I said, your numbers are total GDP and your percentages represent population growth not economic growth, so read more carefully and please spare me the lecture.
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@kevinsoo, Gdp per capita I said, you know the important one that can’t be forced to grow by simply mass importing people. It is almost exactly what it’s was under Harper which is an astronomical failure and covid is no excuse, or else all the other countries would share our results….they do not.
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He has been publicly affiliated and involved in this government for 5 years now, these failures belong to him and the party as a whole don't be fooled. We have roughly the same GDP per capita now as the day Harper left.....weve had 29% inflation since then according to BOC. That is an epic failure that ONLY us out of the entire G20 have experienced. The party that dug us this hole during easier times will not get us out of it through adverse times.
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Obama had historically low gdp growth, which I will admit is a large part of the reason that our middle class earnings briefly surpassed there’s. As per the rest of your comment….there has never been a more successful Canadian economy in my life than under Harper so I have nothing to say besides you are wrong.
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Google "Canadian middle class 2014" and give yourself a reminder about our economic success under Harper.
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Ideas that have lead to nothing but poverty and accidental genocide.
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Good riddance to Mantha, I cannot believe he had the audacity to even toss his name back in.
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Harpers was to stop a coalition government from forming with him inadvertently being the face of with one of the parties literally being one that wanted to not be a part of the country.
Trudeaus is in order to avoid a confidence vote which will topple his government. So no it's not at all the same.
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@kevinsoo I've already linked the statscan page which absolutely proves your per capita numbers as false, this conversation is over.
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