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Member since: Jun, 2017

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VIDEO: We can't make up this reaction to new cosmetics store

VIDEO: We can't make up this reaction to new cosmetics store

Local News Videos |

dodgefan replied

Agree! Not sure why there's been negativity towards Sephora. It's definitely going to be drawing in people from all over since the closest physical store is Sudbury.

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Northern school board wins damages for copyright infringement

Northern school board wins damages for copyright infringement

Local News |

dodgefan replied

No. She should have approached a lawyer FIRST about copyright and trademark law, after she had her rough designs done.

She also continued to sell her clothing even after the school approached her and told her that there was a copyright issue - that's a huge no-no.

It would have taken even just a few days of research or less than a half a dozen phone calls for her to realize that the designs she was about to put on her clothing lines were copyrighted.

If the school board allowed her to continue selling her clothing, it would have opened up a whole can of issues - other designers could create inappropriate clothing lines that could reflect poorly on the schools that no longer exist. Or the designs could feature inappropriate looking mascots as a "joke".

I know her intentions were to invoke nostalgia but she should have approached the board AND a lawyer first. In this case it's better to ask permission first than forgiveness.

19 13

Destination playground, public washrooms proposed for Clergue Park

Destination playground, public washrooms proposed for Clergue Park

Local News |

dodgefan replied

I have to agree. I love the idea of reinvigorating areas downtown to encourage locals and tourists to visit - it would give families a place to go in every season.

However, we have bigger issuing plaguing the city such as homelessness, crime, theft, access to mental health, substance abuse, etc.

I can't begin to imagine spending all that money in clergue park when just up the road businesses on Queen street are being unable to keep their doors unlocked during the day.

"Clergue Park is actually where a lot of things are happening," landscape architect Nick Onody said - Queen Street used to be a place where lots of things were happening too until theft and crime started to run rampant. Let's start maintaining our current public facilities and areas downtown, or at least table some of these more expensive ideas until we can get a hold on some of the bigger issues.

You shouldn't be painting a bridge if it's burning down; cosmetics can only do so much.

11 2

Still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Algoma region

Still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Algoma region

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sault Ste. Marie News |

dodgefan replied

Unfortunately it's not just the Sault. The lines in Espanola grocery stores are just as bad with little to no toilet paper in sight (same goes for Blind river)

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Are library late fines a form of social inequity? Sault looks at dropping them

Are library late fines a form of social inequity? Sault looks at dropping them

Local News |

dodgefan commented

Maybe instead of there being a late fee, they could ask for a non perishable donation that could then be passed on to one of the many organizations in town that need them.

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