Northern Ave to Second Line had the road ripper and a new layer of asphalt on it within the last 7 years. Pretty sure there were very few, if no potholes. It would be a waste of money if it was torn up.
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The thumbs down must be from the drivers who tailgate and pass me in the school zones. I'll wave to you the next time. It is unfortunate that people can't slow down for an extra 15 seconds give or take. I have another suggestion, why not avoid the roads with schools on them?
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I believe that education of the general driving public is needed. I have been tailgated and aggressively passed on more than one occasion while I have driven through a school zone at 40 km/hr. I also believe that the signage should be larger. I do know that it is an automatic fail on a driver's road test if you go over 40.
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I find there are too many pot holes on Albert to go faster than the speed limit.
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I have not counted any red light in this city to be 90 seconds long. The most I have waited in 40 to 60 seconds. If 90 seconds is correct at the intersection then perhaps you should send an email to the traffic division so they can fix that.
I also feel that the traffic lights should be altered to be shortened in one direction and lengthened in the other direction. For the most part I find the north/south flow of traffic gets the the short green lights for traffic lights below the hill which frustrates me a lot. In the summer I will turn my car off if I am stuck at a red light I know will be long.
Here are some of the offending intersections Pine/Queen, Pine/Wellington, Pim/Wellington, Sackville/Northern Ave., Pine/McNabb,
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Queen street is already a speed zone just waiting to get faster. If they take the lights out completely and only put a stop sign on lower Church St. for north bound traffic to turn east/west on Queen or continue north up Church then the east bound traffic will have a straight shot from East St. all the way to Pine street (unless they get stopped at lower Pim. And if there is a green light at Pine for the east/west traffic the speeders can continue flying down Queen until the 4 way stop at Dacey. I've been passed by more than one vehicle, too impatient with me for doing 2 kms over the speed limit of 50 OR 40 in the school zones, on the streets that now have bicycle lanes, to know that it isn't a good idea not to control the east/west flow of traffic.
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Congratulations! I've been playing that for years but have never won more that $100.
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Great idea! I can see a school yard from my kitchen window and on occasion I have seen a younger student standing off to the side not knowing how to interact with others. Socialization is a skill that everyone should have and it is never too early to learn.
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You managed to get the snow plow operator to go the other direction first? To whom did you talk? When I asked the plow operator a couple of years ago to explain why most of the snow was dumped on the one side of the street, all he said was "I have a map".
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