not a mention about the school bus driver that can see as many as 70 students per trip from different schools (most don't see that many (usually max 50) but they are considered 72 passenger buses)
2 0 0
1/2 a million of found money - wow what to spend it on - perhaps a consultant and more audits
12 0 0
Canadian border - Last time I checked S.S.Marie Ont. was on the border and the price is 123.3
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I know we're kind of in the middle but is Sault Ste. Marie in the North West or the North East.
It seems which Ministry or even different branches of any Ministry your dealing with that makes a difference between East & West. All I know is we're not Southern Ontario so you better get ready for change.
6 1 3
only $300,000 for KPMG to do this study, what a deal - can't wait to see the actual (final) report in Jan. of 2020 (and don't tell me it didn't cost the city anything because as taxpayers we all paid for it in one way or another)
7 0 1
I know - it's annoying when you stop for an approaching bus with its overhead lights flashing and it drives right past you - with the four red overhead light system in place in Ontario for the past 10 years I'm sure they will soon start to use the amber/red light system used in every other jurisdiction in North America. Amber = the bus is about to stop. -- Red = the bus is stopped and you must stop.
3 1 0
I have my popcorn ready - I hope they have a camera feed it should provide hours of entertainment
1 1 0
talking about "comparator municipalities" read this - -
plus you are allowed 50 Kg's free at the dump any time in Sudbury and they pick up used appliances and other large items at the end of your driveway and their "toxic taxi" picks up hazardous waste at your home. But we in S.S.Marie have an "elevated level of service"
4 0 0
what are the 5 trailer parks in the Sudbury area ?
2 0 0
I will vote for Arnold as he is from the Sault and you know the rest
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