Ideally they should, but if they don’t there should be a job tax for people that live out of town but work here. They enjoy the work and amenities the city provides (schools, stores, sports venues …) but they don’t contribute to the cost of any infrastructure and there are lots of people that fall into that category just watch all the thumbs down. The exception would be for business owners who run a business in the city and people who own properties here and pay taxes on them. Could be a nice boost to the budget.
12 3 3
Sad thing is it doesn’t matter who we put in they’re all crooked.
11 1
Can we get a none of the above on our election ballots?
10 2 0
And you’re not going to get a mandate to spend that much money, taxpayers are tired of supporting millionaires and billionaires let them spend their own money, it’s time they learn to budget and save money for slow times. Government’s are out of control spending taxpayers money and raising taxes, it’s time to take control of the money away from them and put it back in the hands of a taxpayer controlled entity that approves or disapproves their funding requests.
22 1 1
Trudeau has to go for sure but like the article says Harper did it to save his butt and we didn’t like it then either. It’s time for Canadians to realize we don’t have anything worth voting for, they’re all the same once they get in.
1 9
You don’t sound like a Canadian feel free to move to the U.S.
13 1
You don’t sound like a Canadian feel free to move to the U.S.
19 2
No thanks he couldn’t coach a hockey team never mind run a country, guess Trump wanted someone as unqualified as he is.
15 5 1
Hope they didn’t make the trusses.
7 10 5
Probably because rent is up 200%
11 0 1