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great dane

Member since: Apr, 2012

Recent Comments

LETTER: Ford is attempting to buy this election with $200 cheques

LETTER: Ford is attempting to buy this election with $200 cheques

Letters to the Editor |

great dane commented

Estimated cost of upcoming provincial election $200 million. Ontario estimated population 15 million. $200 million divided by 15 million = 13.3 million. Wow we'd all be millionaires.

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Union lines up stretchers outside RVH to symbolize health-care crisis

Union lines up stretchers outside RVH to symbolize health-care crisis

2025 Provincial Election News |

great dane commented

Approximate Cost of Upcoming Provincial Election $189 MILLION. Approximate Population of Ontario 15 MILLION. $189 MILLION divided by 15 MILLION = $12.6 MILLION. $12.6 MILLION for you me and everyone else in Ontario. That kind of money could go a long ways to assist in Health Care. Just Saying

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'This is the scale of what's needed': Ontario NDP leader unveils $4B plan for more doctors

'This is the scale of what's needed': Ontario NDP leader unveils $4B plan for more doctors

2025 Provincial Election News |

great dane commented

This Provincial Election could cost a possible $189 Million. The population of Ontario is close to 16 Million - $189 Million divided by 16 Million = $11.8125 Million. WOW for that kind of money we as an Ontarian could hire our own personal Doctor.

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Steelworkers union calls for voting bloc to restore healthcare system

Steelworkers union calls for voting bloc to restore healthcare system

Local News |

great dane commented

Ontario tax payers are also paying the Ontario health premium. Depending on your income is under $300, $300, $450, $600, $750, $900 per tax payer, per year. That equates to a lot of money going into the Ontario Health system. It seems like no one is being held accountable for the demise of our Health System.

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Motorists and pedestrians can face fines for crossover violations

Motorists and pedestrians can face fines for crossover violations

City Police Beat |

great dane commented

The yellow crossover warning lights are not large enough or bright enough for drivers to see. I have witnessed numerous vehicles drive right thru. I have seen in other cities the crossovers have lightning that goes over the roadway. YOU CAN'T MISS THEM OURS YOU CAN. I foresee the potential of a serious accident.

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BOROWICZ, Mary (Krupka)

BOROWICZ, Mary (Krupka)

Obituaries |

great dane commented

Mary will be remembered and missed as a kind, caring, giving friend. Our deepest condolences. Tommy, Herdis, Rene' and Janice Andresen

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Obituaries |

great dane commented

Jessie was an honest, giving, understanding and strong woman. She'll be missed.
Sincerely Janice and Rene'

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How likely are you to host a party during COVID-19?

Poll |

great dane commented

Why would anyone be responsible for the possibility of infecting family or friends with such a terrible virus.

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City gets $400,000 budget windfall

City gets $400,000 budget windfall

Local News |

great dane commented

400000 Free money. Wasn't expected. Why not invest in high yield safe fund. Add any future unexpected monies and let the fund grow. To be used possible as an emergency fund or to reimburse tax payers in the future. Just a thought.

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Preliminary city budget proposes to hike your property taxes

Preliminary city budget proposes to hike your property taxes

Local News |

great dane commented

The article stated half of the city's spending will be for salaries and benefits which is up a million from last year. The article Care for Seniors is always important, Ross Romano. With our aging population in mind. A large percentage of tax payers in the Sault are seniors who do not get pay increases or benefits. Eliminate tax on CPP and Old Age Security so seniors can sustain our city.

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