Why would the city not just enforce the municipal property standards bylaws, forcing the owner to remediate and bring the property into compliance. Failure to comply could eventually result in the city owning said property without spending $4.75M of tax money which could otherwise be used desperately for such things as safe consumption site or something else.
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This exhibition of the works of the Seven artists is absolutely worth experiencing. Each of the artists, Starr Wemigwans, Golnar Barzan, Keith Nadjiwon, Rishi Sharma, TJ Pettanuzzo, Monet LePage, and Nikita Virk, is remarkably talented. Their work is engaging, intellectual, meaningful and beautiful. They should be very proud of their work.
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Evidently, nothing was learned by the city from the Elliot Lake Mall Collapse inquiry about its duty to enforce property standards bylaws, or the consequences of failure to do so.
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