Keep voting liberal.
9 8 0
Just like he did for the r.c.m.p. crickets.
5 0 0
Liberals, pack your bags . You aren't needed anymore.
1 0 0
But turdeau admires china's dictatorship, and will say nothing against them.
0 0 0
Problem is this so called vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading the disease. So why are those people allowed to travel?
18 7 3
Pet my animal friends
17 0 0
Trudeau should give him at least 5 million for his efforts .
0 0 0
Going after legal gun owners totally misses the mark on making canadians safer.
4 0 1
They refuse to go after criminals and gangs ,yet crack down on anyone who disagrees with them.
9 0 0
If anyone is still voting libndp they got rocks in their head.
26 17 1