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Member since: Jun, 2006

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Bondar Pavilion the place to be for Canada Day festivities

Bondar Pavilion the place to be for Canada Day festivities

Local News |

Lin_CD replied

Yes exactly. Fireworks are also terrible for people suffering from PTSD and individuals with autism.

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VIDEO: How will you be celebrating Canada Day?

VIDEO: How will you be celebrating Canada Day?

Local News Videos |

Lin_CD replied

Be thankful you’re not handicapped.

2 0

FOISY, "Jay" Jasen

FOISY, "Jay" Jasen

Obituaries |

Lin_CD commented

Debbie, John and families, I am so very sorry to hear of your tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Linda Royal

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Family, friends rally around ‘community’s Carl’ after scary collision in Steelton

Family, friends rally around ‘community’s Carl’ after scary collision in Steelton

Local News |

Lin_CD commented

It seems, sadly, that Northern Ontario has no help or facilities to assist this individual. One would think the best place for him in this case, would be in White River with his family.

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VIDEO: Moose on the loose spotted again, this time in west end

VIDEO: Moose on the loose spotted again, this time in west end

Local News |

Lin_CD commented

Is anyone calling the MNR immediately with the location of the moose when they see it? We can’t all just keep ‘hoping’ it gets relocated.

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Ontario to require menstrual products on construction sites

Ontario to require menstrual products on construction sites

Local News |

Lin_CD replied

Oh we didn’t realize these are the alternatives to this silliness. lol

4 1

Lin_CD commented

Okay now I’ve heard it all!
I have said it before, but now I am completely convinced, the whole world has gone nuts!

4 1 0

VIDEO: What was that loud noise at Algoma Steel this morning?

VIDEO: What was that loud noise at Algoma Steel this morning?

Local News Videos |

Lin_CD commented

@RingoD… in spite of, certainly not because of….

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Poorly trained commercial drivers a highway hazard: Insurance Bureau

Poorly trained commercial drivers a highway hazard: Insurance Bureau

Local News |

Lin_CD commented

Transport drivers, especially on Highway 17 north, have been reckless and dangerous for years. Almost every time you hear of an accident on the Highway , a transport driver is involved. It’s almost like they don’t care because they usually walk away unharmed. This has been going on for many years.

12 3 0

City reminds all dog owners to obey the rules, or else

City reminds all dog owners to obey the rules, or else

Local News |

Lin_CD replied

The cat will be much better off at the Humane Society. That’s cruel bringing it to a farm.

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