Go grab an application and show them how it's done then.
15 5
Great idea! The law breakers would love it if the police were doing surveillance in marked cruisers. Can you image the police following a drug dealer in a police car. Just image how many drug deals they would catch them doing. You must be one of them.
10 2
What the heck are you trying to say?
0 0
Can you try saying that again in English?
2 0
I have news for you, the suspects have no use for your advice, neither does anyone else who's interested in the article about Drew.
1 0
What does your comment that doesn't make sense have to do with anything?
2 0
They know enough to wear gloves.
1 0
Apparently there is no more break and enter unit at the SSMPS. If that's the case, the break ins will continue to happen.
2 3
Thanks buster. I will sleep better tonight knowing that information.
0 0
Here's your choice of options: wear a mask and enter the store OR dont wear a mask and don't enter the store. How's that for a freedom of choice?
8 6