Hopefully they will help control the dog owners who let there dogs run free and harass the wildlife, other dogs and people who want to walk without a dog biting their behind which happened to me. Tired of irresponsible dog owners down there that tell you oh my dog doesn't bite. All dogs bite.
33 13 2
I have had many encounters with bears over the years. In my yard and in remote locations and what I have learned is for the most part they are just big dumb dogs themselves that can be reasoned with. When you mix a dog into the situation with a bear then everything changes, Last year the two most serious encounters in the city involved a dog and it's owner. Bears are threatened by dogs. I have chased multiple bears out of my backyard just by clapping my hands or turning a hose on them which by the way they like so I don't recommend it. The spring bear hunt in my opinion has nothing to do with the abundance of bears in the area. There are just more bears. How many people locally hunt bears. I don't have numbers but I'm guessing not many. Most of the hunting goes on north of the city in remote areas. Just be vigilant with your dogs and with your garbage and make through the spring and the bears will find other sources of food as summer arrives.
18 2 2
This is interesting! The majority in this poll voted "I do not like this, not at all". How many of these people didn't vote. If they had, there may have been a very different result.
1 0 0
What kind of action are you advocating. Death to all bears that enter the city limits? Also what do you think government is going to do about this. .Bears have been here before us and will probably be here after us.Bears act on instinct. They protect themselves, their young and they relentlessly hunt for food, especially this time of year. The answer here is we have to get along with them. We have to be aware of them especially this time of year. It's been a long winter and now is a really tough time for them.
3 4
Everyone needs to calm down. Shooting bears is not the answer. Especially a bear that got surprised with her cubs. I hope Chantel and Jax recover fully from this but the reality is bears are among us and always have been and always will be. It's a tough time of year for them. Food is scarce and they are opportunistic as far as food is concerned. I have had a lot of face to face encounters with bears over the years and none of them has led to violence and this encounter is unfortunate.
4 7 0
Two older bear cubs sparring and playing. Great video!!!
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