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The Piper Project wants your children's book

They are hoping to collect 10 new children books a day, to total 310 books for the entire month of October
Erica and Spencer Hogan with their daughter Piper. Photo supplied

The Piper Project was created in Memory of Piper Marie Hogan by her parents, Spencer and Erica Hogan in October 2020.

On Oct. 14, 2020 The Hogan’s welcomed their second daughter Piper Marie Hogan into the world early. Within the same day, she had passed away.

This left the Hogan’s and their entire friends and family heartbroken as it would for any parent. They didn't know what to do as they walked out of the hospital with just a memory box we knew we wanted to do something.

During the pregnancy their oldest daughter Sophie said that she wanted a baby sister that she could read stories too just like mommy & daddy. Erica and Spencer couldn't help but think of the memories this would create not only for those two little girls but for the family.

During the very early stages of grieving the loss of Piper Spencer and Erica created this idea that the project could collect books for the Sault Area Hospital Maternity Unit, so that every baby born could go home with a new book and hopefully spark the love of reading one day in that child.

This idea quickly grew into what we know it as now, The Piper Project. All donated books are hand deliver books to the Hospital Monthly. To date the Project has collected and donated over 1,100 books and counting.

As the anniversary of Piper’s Birthday approaches, the Piper Project is hoping to collect 10 new children books a day, to total 310 books for the entire month of October.

The Piper Project is asking help from our community to donate a book to the project by either dropping in off at Hogan’s Homestead Gift Shop located at 536 Second Line West, Sault Ste. Marie six days a week or ordering a book online through their website.

Financial contributions can also be made to the Sault Area Hospital Foundation towards the Women and Children’s Unit in Memory of Piper Marie Hogan to help purchase much needed equipment for the unit.



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