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Sweet Change Good Deeds program officially launches next week

Public invited to Centre for Social Justice and Good Works' launch party at The Gathering Place at Precious Blood Cathedral
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What does the finest Belgian chocolate, a giant bear coming to life in a children’s storybook have in common? It is all part of the Centre for Social Justice and Good Works Sweet Change Good Deeds program. The program encourages participants to take social action to improve the lives of friends, family, community members and the environment.

“Helping each other helps our society. When groups of people participate in a community activity or simply help someone in need, others will see or hear about those actions and be motivated to do the same. Empowering youth to do good deeds focusing on family and friends, our community and the environment is the goal of this program. The introduction of a fantasy character, Sweet Change the Chocolate Bear, a children’s storybook and catchy song will encourage children to participate and take action to create a better more positive community.”

Highlights of the program include a mentoring component where high school, university and college students work with Sweet Change participants aged 6-13 to become the Sweet Change Good Deeds Heroes. Well-known ambassadors will attend functions to assist in encouraging participation and a summer day camp component will incorporate the centre’s I Love to Move program. An awards ceremony recognizing the accomplishments of participants will take place semi-annually and a scholarship program will be incorporated for extra participation.

To learn more about the program, the Centre for Social Justice and Good Works invites you to its Sweet Change Good Deeds launch party on:
    •    Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.
    •    The Gathering Place at Precious Blood Cathedral

The Sweet Change Good Deeds mascot and sponsors will be in attendance. Guests will also hear our theme song sung by children, review a copy of the children’s storybook, and taste some chocolate.



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