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New library branch fundraising campaign

Your north branch needs you!
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Located on Northern Avenue, the North Branch will be our most central location. Situated next to the Boreal School, the Branch will be within walking distance of Superior Heights and in close proximity to many neighbourhoods including Senior Residences.

Just west of Great Northern Road, the North Branch is conveniently located on bus routes, major road ways, and near shopping centres.

The Branch will open spring of 2019 and will have two program rooms and host a number of new library activities. It will be home to a Science North Think Hub and an expanded archive that will preserve our community’s history.

Opening a new Library Branch is a big challenge, but it is also an exciting time for Sault Ste. Marie. While libraries still have books for people to check out and read, they also provide a lot of other services for people in the community, including free Wi-Fi, computer and print services, programming for people of all ages, and diverse arts, cultural and leisure experiences.

In order for us to provide all these services and more, we are hoping to raise $100,000 to help cover the opening day expenses.

You have many different ways to help us reach our goal. You can make a donation to our fundraising campaign in person, or online through our website We also have a sponsorship package for those that are looking to make larger donations.

Also, spread the word, it helps so much!

For more information about becoming a sponsor or to make a donation, please contact our Manager of Community Engagement, Helena Huopalainen at 705-759-5243 or at [email protected].




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