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Kiwanis Club donation to help provide masks for local healthcare facilities

There are approximately 400 volunteers assisting with sewing caps and masks
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The Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore has donated $1,000 towards the Days for Girls Program to provide cotton to sew caps and masks for local healthcare facilities, including the two hospitals, nursing homes, and the hospice in Sault Ste. Marie.

The request came from Gabi Doleski, who organizes the Days for Girls program, a proud project of the Zonta Club of Sault Ste. Marie and Area. There are approximately 400 volunteers assisting as they can, with sewing the caps and masks presently. This is only one of many groups taking on this work to help out during the COVID-19. 

The Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore financially supports the Days for Girls Program each year, contributing to the production of washable, reusable feminine hygiene products for developing nations worldwide.

“The members of the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore has been supporting Days for Girls for a number of years and we are pleased to be able to contribute these funds so volunteers, who are dedicating time  to sew masks and caps for our frontline healthcare workers, will have plenty of fabric needed,” said Giselle Chiarello, president.

Previous to the COVID-19 pandemic, the local Days for Girls team met monthly to sew and package together the DFG basic kits (Portable Object of Dignity). The Kiwanis Club and Aktion Clubs of Lakeshore have been supporting this initiative not only financially but through service.   

“It’s a great fellowship opportunity, providing our hands-on service for young girls/women around the world. They always welcome new volunteers to assist at their monthly gatherings and you don't necessarily need to know how to sew – there is a job for everyone to assist. When Gabi approached our club, to support this local initiative, so that masks and caps for local caregivers could be sewn – it was an easy decision,” says Terry Lou Legros, service committee chair.

The Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore will continue to serve you and our community once it is appropriate to do so, in the near future. Let’s work together to stay strong during this time of uncertainty so we’ll all be healthy and ready to help those who need us most in the future.

The Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore, welcomes new members who want to serve their community. Information about becoming a member is available at the Membership Information page on our website



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