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Dedicated foster parents honoured, while more homes are urgently needed

This year, awards will be given for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service as a foster parent



The Children’s Aid Society of Algoma is hosting its annual Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner to say thank you to foster families for their dedication to our community’s most vulnerable children.

WHEN: Sept. 29, 2017 – doors open at 5:30 p.m., Executive Director/dignitary speeches followed by dinner at 6 p.m.; awards throughout dinner until 8 p.m.; guest speaker Alvin Law 8-9:30 p.m.
WHERE: Algoma’s Water Tower Inn, 360 Great Northern Rd.
WHO: Foster parents, community dignitaries, board members, and staff

This year, awards will be given for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service as a foster parent. 

Foster parents provide a safe, loving home to children in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Algoma. Their dedication and commitment to the community’s most vulnerable children is admirable. 

Currently there is a critical shortage of foster homes in the district of Algoma. The effect of the shortage is resulting in siblings being placed in separate homes, children being placed outside their home communities and foster parents being asked to care for children outside their preferred age range. 

Ideally, the Children’s Aid would like to increase our foster care capacity to include an additional 30 foster families across the District of Algoma. Please consider opening your hearts and your home to children in need in our community.

Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent can contact Tina Bastos by phone at 705-949-0162 ext. 310, email [email protected] or text: 705-206-7414.



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