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Anglers asked to comment on proposed changes in fishing regulations

Interested individuals can comment online anonymously or with their email address until Dec. 12
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The Ontario Outdoor Recreational Association (OntORA) is asking all anglers in FMZ Zone 10 of the Ontario fishing regulations to comment on the proposed changes listed on, posted on Oct. 12. Individual comments and submissions can be submitted until Dec. 12, 2022.

This is the only opportunity for affected Ontario anglers to voice any concerns with the proposed changes. Once on this website, one should type in the search bar: Draft FMZ 10 fisheries plan. Click on the site and scroll down to summary documents. Click on the FMZ10 draft plan. For Zone 10, the MNR is proposing leaving the current regulations in place for Lake Trout and changing the regulations for Pickerel (Walleye), bass muskie, and pike. The MNR is also proposing that no live or dead minnow bait or leeches be allowed in natural brook trout lakes.

OntORA’s position is that there should be no slot size for lake trout with a maximum of two fish. For Pickerel (Walleye), no changes were proposed. Leave it at four fish, only one over 46 cm. For brook trout, OntORA disagrees with the “no live bait/dead bait or leeches” provision. The MNRF suggests that the illegal use of baitfish and the illegal dumping of unused bait is their reason for this proposal. OntORA does not believe that this is occurring with the vast majority of anglers.

OntORA is also concerned about the lack of angler representation on the FMZ council.

Interested anglers can comment online anonymously or with their email address. They may also email [email protected], or [email protected], or contact their MPP with their comments and concerns.

For more information, contact John Kallio, OntORA president, at [email protected], or call 705-206-1786

