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Algoma Highlands Conservancy seeks three new board members

Mission is to conserve the unique beauty and ecological integrity of Robertson Cliffs, King Mountain and surrounding area
Robertson_Cliffs_1 copy
Robertson Cliffs. Photo provided by the Algoma Highlands Conservancy

Algoma Highlands Conservancy (AHC) is accepting applications from keen, qualified candidates with expertise in environmental education, legal perspectives, fundraising and/or ecological research along with a strong interest in conservation.

The AHC Board of Directors is a group of determined individuals with diverse backgrounds whose mission is to conserve the unique beauty and ecological integrity of Robertson Cliffs, King Mountain and surrounding area. They are dedicated to pursuing the four core values of the AHC; conservation, environmental education, ecological research and silent sport recreation. If your values align with those of AHC and you have experience in any of the areas outlined in this article, we encourage you to apply!

Firstly, AHC is looking to recruit someone with a background in education and a keen interest in conservation. This member would help develop, lead and coordinate our environmental education activities, such as; our partnership with school boards for the environmental education program, self-guided interpretive trails and other activities to promote conservation and environmental awareness.

The second field of expertise AHC is searching for is a board member with a strong legal background and an interest in conservation to oversee and guide all legal aspects of our operations. This may include future land acquisitions, extensive public use of our trail system, as well as, business and event partnerships.

The AHC board would like to recruit a board member with extensive fundraising experience who can help develop additional sources of ongoing revenue (such as memberships, organized events) and grant applications, as well as, improve existing revenue efforts.

Lastly, the AHC board is in search of a board member with a strong background in ecological research to help develop, lead and coordinate our environmental research program in collaboration with other organizations and agencies.

Algoma Highlands Conservancy wishes to extend its sincere appreciation to all interested candidates and is looking forward to receiving your applications. Please visit here for more information on the organization and email [email protected] to submit your application, or if you have any questions.



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