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Garrett would love to make NHL ice surfaces wider

And he wouldn't let you ice the puck on the penalty kill either
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Hockey has provided Sault Ste. Marie’s Garrett Nystedt with an opportunity.

The 26-year-old is currently playing his third season as a member of Amals SK, a team in Sweden’s second level pro league. His hockey career also brought him to the Czech Republic for two seasons prior to heading to Sweden.

Nystedt recently sat down and discussed numerous subjects in our latest Q&A.

Q: What is your first sports memory?

A: I think it would be a little too cliche saying skating on the outdoor rinks, so I would say going to Greyhound games with my dad growing up. As much I learned about the game watching some the future stars of the NHL, the memories are bonding times with my dad.

Q: What other sports are you interested in that people wouldn’t expect?

A: Soccer. After playing hockey in Europe for my sixth season, I’ve become a fan. It is always on TV and the atmosphere in the stadiums are unreal.

Q: Who are three people, dead or alive, that you would like to have dinner with and why?

A: Robin Williams because I always enjoyed and still enjoy his movies. Mike Modano because he was my favourite hockey player. My third would be Chef Gordon Ramsay just to hear his opinion on the food we are having.

Q: What non-sports career are you interested in and why?

A: Being a teacher, It would feel rewarding making a difference in your students lives and help them for the next step.

Q: What person, living or dead, do you admire most and why?

A: My parents for the sacrifices they have made for me. For diving me to the rink for 7 a.m. practices but waking them up at 5:30 because I knew the rink would open by 6. The list goes on but as I start to get older the more thankful I am for what they did for me.

Q: If you could be the commissioner for a day, what changes would you make to the sport?

A: First you would not be able to ice the puck on a penalty kill. Also make the ice surface bigger. Not quite Olympic size but in between the standard NHL and Olympic. More to a hybrid to what most teams use in Finland.

Q: What’s the most important life lesson you’ve learned?

A: The most important life lesson I’ve been taught is you are not always going to impress everyone. It is something not to take to heart but at the same time keep an open mind and always continue to learn. That will lead you on the right path to success.

Q: What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

A: (I enjoy) history. I’ve been to many different sites while playing in Europe.

Q: If you could have any super power, what would it be?

A: (To be able) to fly

Q: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring with you?

A: Bug spray, matches and a fishing net

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