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Wilcox Park neighbours descend on City Council to fight radio-controlled cars

117 people have signed a petition against turning their neighbourhood tennis courts into a race track
Neighbours demand: 'Where are these families and residents of our neighbourhood supposed to go if this court is turned into a locked facility for a private club's use?'

City Council will be asked Monday to allow the Sault Ste. Marie RC Car Club to take over tennis courts at Wilcox Park.

There will be opposition.

Club president Marty Charron will be there, with Vera Beagan and Wendy Olar expected to appear on behalf of concerned neighbours.

A resolution on the agenda for Monday's meeting calls for the city to enter a short-term agreement (not exceeding two years) with the 10-year-old remote-control car group .

"Remote-control car racing is a well-established sport," says Virginia McLeod, the city's manager of recreation and culture.

"A permanent home will allow for continual growth and interest in an activity that is accessible and inclusive to all ages and has become a family-friendly and social opportunity for our community," McLeod says in a report to Mayor Provenzano and city councillors.

"Furthermore, the club has a solid volunteer base with the equipment and means to operate, including insurance coverage."

But 117 neighbours have signed a petition opposing the race track.

"A recent SooToday article has indicated that city staff has suggested that Wilcox Park tennis courts are 'infrequently used and in poor condition,' however we assure you that this is not the case," the petitioners state.

"This park is frequented by families and friends of all ages. The tennis courts are used from early spring 'til late fall by both tennis enthusiasts, friends who get together for street hockey and families with young children learning to ride bikes and rollerblade."

"Where are these families and residents of our neighbourhood supposed to go if this court is turned into a locked facility for a private club's use?"

"As well, parking at Wilcox is limited especially during baseball season. Where will all these RC Club members be allowed to park? How much noise do these cars make when large groups of them are operating at once?"

"Surely there is a more suitable location for this club," the petition says.

"Don't take away a public park which services a large number of Sault residents in order to accommodate a handful of RC car enthusiasts."

Monday's meeting of City Council will be livestreamed on SooToday starting at 4:30 p.m.

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