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Proud to be…ADSB: Director’s Report provides a year in review

Highlighting student success, equity, and well-being across the district.

Each year, Algoma District School Board’s Director of Education is pleased to prepare and present an Annual Report to share with school communities, stake holders and the Ministry of Education. This year’s report provides a snapshot of the year 2024 and highlights ADSB’s innovative programs, quality learning opportunities and character development that are under way every day across our district.

From the Boardroom to the Classroom, Algoma District School Board (ADSB) maintains our focus on our strategic priorities - Student Achievement, Equity and Well-Being - which are at the core of our work.

Another year of enrolment growth is an indicator that more families are choosing our Board because of the modern, welcoming learning spaces, professional staff, specialized programming, and focused support available to meet the needs of our diverse and growing student population.

Algoma District School Board has a pathway for every student, and as you explore the pages of the Director’s Report, you’ll discover that whether students are gaining knowledge and skills through cooking, robotics, arts, construction, drumming, athletics, co-operative learning, music or in another language, they are engaged in their learning and in developing themselves.


Our new Attendance toolkit, coupled with the leadership of our caring Reengagement Team, will help support the message that every school day counts.


Progress continues at Three Rivers JK-12 School in Blind River. The groundwork is complete and construction has begun. You can read more details on this and the upgrades planned for HM Robbins Public School in the report.

You will see students leading conversations and being encouraged to share their unique perspectives and experiences through Student Senate and Northern Indigenous Youth Council events.


Learn more about our caring school communities who have engaged in activities and events that support many local charities while meeting the needs of their own student populations. 


No one succeeds alone, and we are most grateful for the many stakeholders and community partners who support and contribute to the success of students and staff of the Algoma District School Board. Together, we make a difference!

Please take some time to click through the Director’s Annual Report which can be found by following this link. We hope you will come to see how and why we are “Proud to be…ADSB”!