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What does $600,000 worth of weed look like, anyway? (5 photos)

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers showed off a recent drug bust Tuesday, after a routine traffic stop resulted in seizure of almost $600,000 worth of marijuana.

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers showed off a recent drug bust Tuesday, after a routine traffic stop resulted in seizure of almost $600,000 worth of marijuana.

The routine traffic stop occured last Friday on Highway 17 at Fourth Line, not far from the Sault Ste. Marie OPP detachment office, said Baker.

Approximately 84 pounds suspected of being canabis marijuana was discovered during the stop, with an estimated street value of $577,425.

The marijuana was pre-packaged in small bags, vacuum sealed in a larger bag and placed in packing boxes which were in the back of the van, said Baker.

Once stopped, multiple factors led to police suspecting they were dealing with more than a speeding ticket, said Baker.

"Our officers are trained in highway interdiction and know the signs to look for," said Baker.

Although fabric softner dryer sheets were placed in the boxes it is difficult to mask the smell of this much marijuana, added Baker.

Larry Donald Clark of Calgary, Alberta was arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking a controlled substance, contrary to the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act and appeared in bail court early Tuesday.

(PHOTO: Constable Monique Baker, seen May 20, 2014, holds up a bag of marijuana that was seized Friday during a routine traffic stop. Armstrong)

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