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Walk of Fame inductees announced

JOINT NEWS RELEASE THE CITY OF SAULT STE. MARIE DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION ***************************** Four inductees to be honoured in the 2012 Walk of Fame SAULT STE. MARIE - The City of Sault Ste.




Four inductees to be honoured in the 2012 Walk of Fame

SAULT STE. MARIE - The City of Sault Ste. Marie and the Downtown Association are pleased to announce the names of the four inductees to the 2012 Sault Ste. Marie Walk of Fame.

The inductees are Walter Newman, Ross Mervyn, Brian Vallee, and Anthony Van Den Bosch.  

The four inductees will be honoured at a special ceremony to be held on Thursday, September 20 at the Essar Centre.

“The accomplishments of this year’s recipients have inspired us,” said Tasha Varpio, manager of the Downtown Association. “And we are pleased to recognize their efforts at the Walk of Fame."

Each year, inductees are recognized for outstanding achievement in one (or more) of the following areas: arts and entertainment, athletics and recreation, agriculture, business and industry, academics and literature, medicine, science and technology, civic and community leadership and humanitarianism.

The Walk of Fame Committee reviews public submissions and selects a maximum of five inductees.

Inductees are honoured with a 16” x 16” granite maple leaf stone embedded in concrete on the north side of the Essar Centre on Queen Street.

Nominations for the 2013 Walk of fame inductees will be solicited from the public next spring.

The Walk of Fame is an annual event and is a joint project between the City of Sault Ste. Marie and the Downtown Association.


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