Just over one month has passed since SooToday last reported sightings of that elusive moose hanging around town, but the furry creature has been spotted again.
Tara-Lynn Campbell submitted photos and videos of the moose on Estelle Street while she was on her way to work around 6:45 a.m. today.
The moose could be seen nibbling on some plants before wandering across the front lawns of several homes in the west-end neighbourhood.

"Not every day going to work in the morning you see a moose eating the shrubs in Sault Ste. Marie," Campbell said in the video.
While it doesn't happen very often, moose are known to venture into town.
The sightings have become increasingly prevalent in recent weeks, as first evidenced back in early March when one reader was out for a walk on White Oak Drive in the central part of town when they spotted the moose crossing the street.
That prompted crews with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to search for the young moose, but their attempts in retrieving and returning the animal to its natural habitat were unsuccessful.
The moose made local headlines again last month when another reader captured footage of the animal in their Westridge Road backyard, near Fort Creek.
For information on how to prevent conflicts with moose, readers can click here.