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Vendor show aims to untangle services for local seniors

More than 45 booths will be set up at Machine Shop tomorrow for 'Our Caring Community' event
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A vendor show focusing on seniors featuring more than 45 information booths and displays is set for May 31 at the Machine Shop from 1-8 p.m.

A special welcome announcement from Mayor Matthew Shoemaker is slated for 1 p.m. with entertainment from New Horizons Band at 2 p.m., the  Lock City Chorus at 3 p.m., the Senior Singers at 4 p.m. and the Jacob Valois Quartet from 5-8 p.m.

"Navigating services and supports that enhance healthy aging and well-being of older adults can be overwhelming for families and caregivers. In response to this challenge, The Algoma Geriatric Network, Alzheimer Society, Algoma Manor, Group Health Centre, Red Cross, Algoma Ontario Health Team, Patient and Family Advisers, and the City of Sault Ste. Marie are hosting a free (show) to celebrate Our Caring Community on Friday May 31," said a news release.

The Our Caring Community Vendor Show is open to all families and caregivers.



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