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Striders Running Club looking for people to run for the board

All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend the AGM, which is open to the public
The Sault Striders' Boxing Day Fun Run combines fitness, community spirit, and holiday fun

The Sault Striders Running Club is seeking new board members. 

The annual general meeting, which will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, will be held at the James L. McIntyre Public Library, 50 East St., in the activities room located downstairs.

“The AGM will follow our regular scheduled 6 p.m. group run. All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend. This event is open to the public,” said a news release issued by the club.

“The AGM is a key event where members can have their voices heard, help shape the club's future, and elect new leadership.” 

Several executive positions are up for election this year:

  • President: The leader of the group who chairs meetings, is the lead point of contact and speaks on behalf of the running club. The president reports on the progress and direction of the club, and brings items to the board table on behalf of members' concerns. Commit to at least one group run per week.
  • Treasurer: Responsible for the group's finances. Manage accounting, collections, and disbursements of group funds. Keep records of all financial transactions. Prepare a report for members at the AGM and provide financial updates at board meetings. Attend or lead one weekly group run.
  • Secretary: Act as the record keeper. Maintain records of all executive meetings. Work with the director of membership to assist with member communications, press releases, and social media. Provide notice for general membership meetings. Attend or lead one weekly group run.
  • Director at Large: Bring a friendly demeanour and a can-do attitude toward helping with run club events. Add your voice and perspective on how we serve our members to the best of our abilities. Assist with weekly group runs by attending or leading at least one group run per week.

“We encourage members to consider running for one of these positions and help guide the club into 2025.” 

If you want to nominate yourself, please email [email protected] to express your interest. 

Additionally, if you plan to attend the AGM, the club asks you to confirm your attendance by contacting the Strider's email address prior to the meeting.

“Join us for this important event and take an active role in shaping the future of the Sault Striders Running Club. Let's make some strides together in 2025!”

If you're not currently a member but would like to join, memberships are available for $20 per year. 

To learn more about our run club and other group runs, visit their website.


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