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Strange sightings near Wishart Park (3 photos) has received the following letter and accompanying photos from a loyal and observant reader in the north part of the city: ************************* Hello: We seem to have a flock of six parakeets of some type in the neighbourhood today. has received the following letter and accompanying photos from a loyal and observant reader in the north part of the city:

************************* Hello:

We seem to have a flock of six parakeets of some type in the neighbourhood today.

They are feeding at bird feeders and creating quite a stir!

They are in the vicinity of Wishart Park on Fourth Line East.

I have attached a picture for you to have a look at and will send another along in a minute.

These birds you will know are not "local" birds.

I have a feeling that they may be escaped birds from someone in the Sault.

I first heard and saw these birds last week but couldn't get an I.D. on them until this morning.

It's getting pretty darn chilly they need to find their home !!!

- Lorain Deciantis


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