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Statement from people responsible for painting lines on Queen Street

Confused by the pavement markings, or lack of them, on Queen Street? Well, you're not alone. Don Elliott, the city's director of engineering services, made a special announcement at Monday's meeting of Sault Ste. Marie City Council.

Confused by the pavement markings, or lack of them, on Queen Street?

Well, you're not alone.

Don Elliott, the city's director of engineering services, made a special announcement at Monday's meeting of Sault Ste. Marie City Council.

"We appreciate the patience of the public, particularly the folks eastbound on Queen Street," Elliott said, referring to the spot just before Church Street that has no lane markings.

"On Saturday, our contractor was able to put the pre-markings down. So there are marks for the centre lane. I believe that's helping considerably.

"The next thing we need to do is put down the turning  arrows, which I think will remove most of the confusion about the fact that some people think there's still two lanes eastbound.

Before the permanent lane markings can be painted, Elliott said, we need "at least eight hours at 10 degrees.".

"If we can't get any down this week, we hope to start putting them down on Tuesday."

"Public works has a lot of Queen Street swept early. It's ready to go. So hopefully over the next couple of weeks, the pavement markings will be complete."





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