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Small wildfire reported in Sault fire district is being held

The fire hazard is high in Sault Ste. Marie
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Four new wildfires are being reported in Ontario's Northeast Region.

In a report Sunday, Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services says all four were confirmed Saturday night.

One of them is northwest of Elliot Lake. The one hectare fire on the northern shore of Duval Lake is being held.

The new fires are as follows:

  • Sudbury 19 (SUD019) is now out. This fire was 0.1 hectare in size and near Green Bay on the western shore of Onaping Lake.
  • Sault Ste. Marie 9 (SAU009) is a 1 hectare fire located on the northern shore of Duval Lake. This fire is being held.
  • Hearst 8 (HEA008) this 84 hectare fire is located approximately 35 kilometers northwest of the community of Constance Lake.  Four crews of FireRangers are dedicated to this fire and are currently receiving air attack support from 2 CL-415 waterbombers guided by an Air Attack Officer in a Birddog aircraft.  
  • Wawa 10 (WAW010) is being held at 0.1 hectares in size. This fire is located approximately 9 kilometers north of Dotted Lake.

Overall, there are 21 wildfires in the region: 3 are not under control, 2 are being held and 16 are being observed.

The fire hazard is high in Sault Ste. Marie. Throughout the region, it mostly ranges from moderate to high with pockets of extreme fire hazard over Pukaskwa National Park, east of Obatanga Provincial Park, north of Elliot Lake and an area north of Kapuskasing over the Mattagami River.   

Find the full news release from Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services below:

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services 
Northeast Fire Region 
August 4, 2024
Time of Report – 18:00

Northeast Region   

Four wildland fires were confirmed in the Northeast Region during the evening hours of August 3, following the previous update.

  • Sudbury 19 (SUD019) is now out. This fire was 0.1 hectare in size and near Green Bay on the western shore of Onaping Lake.
  • Sault Ste. Marie 9 (SAU009) is a 1 hectare fire located on the northern shore of Duval Lake. This fire is being held.
  • Hearst 8 (HEA008) this 84 hectare fire is located approximately 35 kilometers northwest of the community of Constance Lake.  Four crews of FireRangers are dedicated to this fire and are currently receiving air attack support from 2 CL-415 waterbombers guided by an Air Attack Officer in a Birddog aircraft.  
  • Wawa 10 (WAW010) is being held at 0.1 hectares in size. This fire is located approximately 9 kilometers north of Dotted Lake.

No new wildland fires were confirmed by early evening Sunday, August 4. There are currently 21 wildland fires in the Northeast Region: 16 are being observed, 2 are being held and 3 are not under control.

The fire hazard is moderate to high for most of the Northeast Region. There are pockets of extreme fire hazard over Pukaskwa National Park, east of Obatanga Provincial Park,  north of Elliot Lake and an area north of Kapuskasing over the Mattagami River.   

For current wildland fire danger values check our interactive map.

No Drone Zone: Be safe, stay clear of forest fires!

Flying drones around forest fires is both dangerous and illegal. When you fly a drone near a forest fire, you can put the lives of pilots, firefighters and other emergency personnel at risk. Be safe, stay clear of forest fires.    

Help fight forest fires: Stay clear of waterbombers!

When waterbombers approach a body of water, move close to the shore so they can perform their scoop safely. A waterbomber will not scoop from a lake or river if encroaching watercraft pose a safety hazard. Be safe, stay clear of waterbombers.

Report a Wildland Fire

To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE. To report a wildland fire located south of the French or Mattawa Rivers, please dial 9-1-1.

For tips on preventing wildland fires and information on the current fire situation, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) in English and French: @ONforestfires and @ONfeudeforet. For more information about the current wildland fire situation, visit


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