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Seasonal flu vaccinations announced

JOINT NEWS RELEASE ALGOMA PUBLIC HEALTH GROUP HEALTH CENTRE ************************* This year it’s a different flu season Algoma Public Health and Group Health Centre want to help prepare area residents for the upcoming flu season, which will be a




************************* This year it’s a different flu season

Algoma Public Health and Group Health Centre want to help prepare area residents for the upcoming flu season, which will be a different flu season from previous years.

Flu immunization clinics for the seasonal flu will run from the beginning of October to mid-November and will be by appointment only. You can start booking your appointment at 8 a.m. on September 14.

If you live in Sault Ste. Marie and area, please call 541-2332.

All clinics in Sault Ste. Marie will be held in the Health Promotion Centre, located in the Cambrian Mall (two stores north of Canadian Tire).

If you live in the Blind River, Elliot Lake, Wawa and area, please call 1-800-469-2449.

Information on the H1N1 flu vaccination program will be available later in the Fall.

Stay healthy this flu season.

Here’s how:

- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds.

- Cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve or a tissue, not in your hand. Dispose of tissues immediately.

- Stay home if you feel sick.

- Get your flu shot.

For more information on the seasonal flu, please visit


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