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Music, laughter to take center stage during music program fundraiser

'From the Sublime to the Ridiculous' is the third annual fundraiser for the music program at Algoma University
Edward Turgeon of Duo Turgeon, left, and Eugene Turgeon of The Comedics will be performing at the third annual 'From the Sublime to the Ridiculous' fundraiser at the Water Tower Inn Feb.23. James Hopkin/SooToday

An event that’s being billed as an ‘old-time variety show’ will take place later this month in order to help Algoma University’s music program with the rising cost of equipment, programs and scholarships.

The school’s third annual “From the Sublime to the Ridiculous” fundraiser, slated for Feb. 23 at the Water Tower Inn, will feature the classical music of Duo Turgeon and the satirical music of The Comedics.

“It enables me to buy equipment that is rather expensive,” said Edward Turgeon, chair of visual art and music at Algoma University. “Music equipment hasn’t become cheaper over the years.”

The first two fundraisers by Duo Turgeon and The Comedics in 2015 and 2016 brought in around $23,000 in total. Those fundraisers have enabled the university’s music program to purchase some new equipment.

One of the largest acquisitions for Turgeon as a result of past fundraising efforts came in the form of eight keyboards for the school. The keyboards, available for anyone in the community to use, spawned the creation of a new course called ‘keyboard lab.’

“Some adult students are coming into it fresh, it’s never too late to start,” Turgeon said. “We had one person in the keyboard class - 72 years old - learning to play piano for the first time.”

Turgeon, speaking with SooToday at Algoma University, looks at a large piano on the stage of Shingwauk Auditorium. He says it’s another musical instrument that was acquired because of past fundraisers.

“The piano that was on the stage two years ago was a 60 year-old piano,” said Turgeon. “This one was purchased in November 2016, and it’s [a] top of the line Yamaha grand [piano]. That’s what we’re doing, trying to get the best equipment in.”

It’s all part of a larger process to bring in the best music students to Algoma University, whether it’s raising money for equipment or even scholarships.

“What’s the most attractive package, in terms of scholarships and faculty? You weigh the entire equation, and we’re competing, so we need to get those students to our campus,” Turgeon said.

“It’s really multi-pronged, this equipment, projects and scholarships. That’s really what these fundraisers support, and I really couldn’t do it without the fundraisers.”

Eugene Turgeon, a co-founder of The Comedics (and Edward Turgeon’s brother), says that his band is happy to volunteer for the music program fundraiser in order to help the school compete with other music programs in the province.

“Schools down south, of course, have a longer history and tradition,” Eugene said. “They have well-heeled alumni that can throw money at programs. Well, Algoma doesn’t have that history, so this is a way of helping to compete with those people who are also looking for the same great music students.”

“With my music program, I’m a bit of a pioneer now,” Turgeon said. “I’m in the building phase, and in the end that will probably be my legacy.”

Tickets are $40 and can be purchased at the Community Theatre Centre Box Office located in the Station Mall. The fundraiser has its own Facebook page, complete with bios for Duo Turgeon and The Comedics, which can be found here.

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